CTE Students Volunteer At Mammogrammy Event

Four juniors from the Cosmetology program at the Hewes Educational Center, Katelyn Schroder, Morgan Swanson, Isaphina Kioko, and Mary Clementi, volunteered their time at The Chautauqua Center’s Mammogrammy event held Oct. 24 in Jamestown.

Under the guidance of instructor Kyla Rodriguez, the Career & Technical Education students offered gel manicures and regular manicure services. In total, 28 participants of the Mammogrammy event were served.

“This was such a great opportunity for our students to experience because this is what they’ve been working towards since starting the Cosmetology program,” Rodriguez said. “We’re about to open the doors to the public in our student-run clinic, and this gave them great exposure on what to expect with real clients.”

In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, The Chautauqua Center held Mammogrammy events in Jamestown and Dunkirk. Participants could enjoy a relaxing massage and manicure while also receiving health information and resources.

Rodriguez said the Cosmetology program through Erie 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES has established a professional partnership with The Chautauqua Center; this was the third such event done in collaboration.

“I was so proud watching the students engage and communicate professionally with each client and to see how their customer service skills have grown immensely since starting the Cosmetology program,” Rodriguez said. “We pride ourselves in the classroom on instilling professional soft skills the students can take into their future endeavors with whichever career path they choose. We want to thank The Chautauqua Center for continuing to collaborate with us, and we look forward to our next event together!”